

Disinfection Water Networks

Air conditioning, hot water production and storage systems and water networks can be colonised by bacteria, including Legionella.

Hotels, accommodation facilities, sports centres, companies, have solved the problem with shock treatment and subsequent maintenance doses of specific products.


  • Regional Guidelines for the Surveillance and Control of Legionellosis

    Official Bulletin of the Emilia Romagna Region  – Part Two - N.147 of 22 August 2008 - Italy

  • Guidelines for laboratories carrying out microbiological diagnosis and environmental control of legionellosis

    Official Journal Number 29 (General Series) of 5 February 2005 (pages 25-27) - Italy

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Legionella?

    Legionella is a rod-shaped bacterium (of which there are about 40 different species) invisible to the naked eye, completely natural and widely spread in water sources, lakes, rivers, but sometimes also in large water installations (hotels, hospitals, etc.), air conditioning systems, spas, swimming pools, etc.

  • Is it Dangerous for Human Health?

    Unfortunately, bacteria of the Legionella genus, and in particular the pneumophila species, can cause even serious infectious diseases, usually affecting the respiratory system (Legionellosis). This disease can statistically be fatal in 5 to 15 % of cases, with much higher lethality peaks in individuals in special conditions such as patients already in poor clinical condition or treated late. Subjects most at risk are normally the elderly, immunocompromised persons, persons with chronic lung diseases, heavy smokers, heavy travellers, etc.

  • How do you get Legionnaires' disease?

    First of all, it should be made clear that drinking water containing bacteria of the Legionella genus poses no danger of infection. The disease is only contracted by inhaling tiny drops of water (aerosols) containing the pathogenic microorganism in question in high concentrations. Situations at risk of inhalation of the bacterium can occur near taps, shower stalls, decorative fountains, waterbased carpet washers, whirlpools, humidifiers, cooling towers, air conditioners, etc. Statistically, in hotel facilities, the points most at risk are shower stalls and air-conditioning diffusion points.

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